| They gave a whole new meaning to the Party Line!
Abby gives "good phone" because she's into HEAVY BREATHING, and
all that the term implies. But she's constantly battling the impulse to
reach out and touch... everyone, with her body as well as her voice.
Beverly and Chuck work with Abby on the phones. They get it on together
in a number of imaginatively nasty ways. When Abby takes the phone off
the hook, it's to mingle natural juices with Diane. This bud-stirring
encounter leads to a steamy shower 3-way with a super-hung phone
repairman. Still driven to connect a hard man one-on-one, Abby picks up
Eddie and invites him to unload his most pressing cares all over her.
Next, the unsatisfied Abby comes on to Bev again and bastes her bumpin'
buddy to a turn with her tireless tongue. When their man Chuck arrives
on the scene, he decides to take control. The hot, wet 3-point action
that follows demonstrates why EXCITABLE women prefer forceful, dominant